Fairest 3

   While reading the 3rd part of Fairest, we see that Meredith’s mother still selfish and bad and using her daughter and spending her money, that’s can be shown in a fight between Meredith and her mother “I don’t even know where my money goes,” I replied. “You’re just spending it when you go out.”

Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.,”. 

   However, this time and for the first time Meredith stand out to herself, after canceling the show Meredith’s mother had a lot to say but this time Meredith stopped her saying “I’m old enough to decide for myself” and “You’re not a real mother” and ‘I have nothing to be grateful for”. I really liked this part, because it’s the first time when Meredith is being strong and is standing out for herself as an independent individual.

   After that Meredith moved to Talacsan, she was living with her grandma and went a new school and met Samuel that she really liked, and she met friends and made connections. She was happy until her grandma passed away! She lost the person she loved the most, and at her funeral half of the people didn’t recognize her and said that they didn’t knew she was a gay. She added “I felt disappointed over how I hid so well that even my most intimate friends didn’t know me.”

Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.

And that made me wonder Do we hide who we are scared from others or scared from ourselves?  

3 thoughts on “Fairest 3

  1. Christopher Huerta

    Hey Zeinab, I like that you mentioned the way people had forgotten about Talusan, even though she was once a part of that community in the Philippines. I don’t mean to reference my post a 2nd time, but referring to it, I do believe that distance can have drastic effects on the outcome of relationships, and future experiences with whomever they go back to.

  2. Karen Dortbucuk (Her/She/Hers)

    Hi Zeinab,
    Responding to your last question, “And that made me wonder Do we hide who we are scared from others or scared from ourselves? ”
    I think in some cases, we are just afraid of judgement, afraid of being an outsider. I have noticed that sometimes, it is easier to open up to strangers then to our close friends. You fear them looking at you in a different way, and possibly not loving/caring for you the same.

  3. Kedwin Reyes

    Zeinab, I enjoyed your paragraph it is very well developed. You have very good and understanding details about how Meredith feels about her sexuality. I do believe we hide because we are scared of what others think. We are scared to take in criticism from other people.

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