
I was in awe, shocked, and impressed with the way Laymon ask questions, he’s thought process and they he corrects his grandmother when she doesn’t use the correct language. His grandmother reassures him he’s perfect just the way he is, and that I better to forget and move on than to live with those memories.

2 thoughts on “Reaction

  1. Angel Caceres (He/Him)

    It’s nice on how the grandma said that Laymon is perfect just the way he is. But you should put in more words, citation and details on the book you read since I couldn’t understand what happen too much.

  2. Hamza Trawally (He/Him)

    hey Nayely! loved reading your response to this portion of the book. its always nice to hear what’s going on in a situation from someoneselse’s perspective, i also enjoyed the way laymon corrected his grandmother

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