Class 07

Good morning, all. Hope you had a chance to enjoy this glorious weekend. Today in class, we’ll review a number of the key concepts from Module 1, go over the expectations we can have for each other when it comes to Essay 1 (due Wednesday), and prepare to sharpen our use of digital tools, academic writing skills, and the richness of our class community as we turn to Module 2: Defining Book Groups.

You’ll want to start in the “Goals and Plans” Doc. There, you’ll see a list of the content and skills we covered this Module. We’ll spend some time writing and talking today about the ways we covered that content–and articulating moment where things “clicked” and questions we still have. Module 1 was quite a lot, but don’t worry, we’ll circle back to most of it in Module 2. That’s one thing about writing: it requires practice, and the more “reps” you get, the better.

After that, I’ll share an example of a student essay from Fall 2020 in response to this same prompt. We’ll look at it as a group, considering where we see its main idea, its evidence, its signs of organization, and the way the writer follows conventions.

With the balance of class, you’ll work on one of three things in independent work:

  1. Give a “shout-out” (do people even say that anymore?) or some “shine” (as they say in my kids’ elementary school) to another person in class who did great work in some way. Post that as a reply to this post by the start of our next class. (So, to be clear, if you don’t finish this in class, it’s OK to finish it as homework.)
  2. Use the “checklist” linked to on the “Goals and Plans” Doc to proofread your essay. There’s also a copy of it in the submission form for this essay. It must follow MLA format or I may ask you to revise it before marking it COMPLETE.
  3. If you’re listed under one of the “housekeeping” tasks, it means you’ve not completed the set-up of one or more digital tools. Please do this first, before the other two activities, and let me know if you need any help. I’ll have some breakout rooms open so we can talk without disturbing others doing independent work.

11 thoughts on “Class 07

  1. Maria Begum (Maria)

    I would like to give a shoutout to everyone for doing their best, and for being on task regardless of other issues that they might have. I know myself, what I am going through but I am trying my best and I am definitely sure there are other people in class who are going though tough times, I just want to say you are doing great and keep going.

  2. Leslie Martinez (She/Her)

    I would like to give a shout out to Christopher Huerta for having a strong essay draft and taking my notes on his draft into consideration. I would also like to give a shoutout to everyone, college is a huge transition and I think we are all adapting well.

  3. Janelle Smith (she/her)

    I would like to give a shout out to everyone for putting in the effort and time. Adapting to better writing, grammar, and other skills of writing are no joke. The best thing we can do is put our all out there. Push ahead

  4. Karen Dortbucuk (Her/She/Hers)

    I would like to give a big shout out to all of us! College is not easy but we are still here, doing what needs to be done. Now that we will be soon moving on to Module 2 let’s keep up the good work.

    Shoutout to my group 1 as well (Hamza, Kedwin, Natalie) for having interesting and beautifully written drafts.

  5. Tim Dalton (he/him/his) Post author

    Shout outs to everyone who posted, um, shout outs. We’ll do this again. Next time, I would love to see the same affirmation and positivity, with some more concrete detail. What made drafts compelling? What makes a transition “no joke”? One of the hallmarks of strong writing is how it draws in a reader (like your instructor) outside the context you’re writing about (like a first year of college in a pandemic).

  6. zeinab rkein (she/her)

    College is new to most of us and it’s hard getting used to new adventures, so this is a shout out to everyone who is working hard and trying their best. good job everyone ! keep the good work going.

  7. Christopher Huerta

    I would like to give a shoutout to everyone for doing their best since class began in August, and I would like to give a shoutout to Leslie Martinez for giving me the chance to peer edit her draft of essay 1!

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