This year, I have put a couple of expectations for myself. First one is to continue doing my best, even when it can get really hard. I am a good learner, but I have struggled with virtual classes this past year and a half.
As everyone in this class, I have a set goal of what I want to achieve academically, and I will work towards that goal.
I expect our instructor to be respectful, compassionate and understanding. As you all know, our lives can become pretty chaotic, so it is important to be able to talk and get the help and assistance that we need. Instructors define part of our experiences.
Same thing goes for all of the students in this class. We are no longer high school students. Let’s talk to each other with respect, without judgement.
Karen Dortbucuk

I hope you can achieve all your goals, however difficult they are. Also, I agree with you that our teacher should be a bit considerate with us since it is our first year in college and as others say “nothing is easy in college because it is not like high school.”
if it is possible to help each other.
Hi Karen, I think you did a great job following the prompt (Informal Writing Prompts, Fall 2021). That aside, I think you make a great point when you say we should talk to one another, especially with respect and without judgement. Personally, I have been in situations where these type of morals aren’t really appreciated or even used, and takes a toll on ones mental health. Since we are social creatures, I think it’s a great idea to socialise more, even though we could be nervous at first. Hopefully, all of our expectations are met in the next four years+ of college, and maybe we can make good connections from that outcome. Thank you for sharing your expectations with us! 🙂
I also had a hard time with virtual classes, it’s nice to relate to others.
hello! I totally relate to you about struggling with virtual classes! When im at home I get distracted super easily and it takes me forever to get back on track. I hope throughout this year we both get better with this. Not only that but I also struggle with asking for help so it makes me happy to know that I’ll be able to ask for help without judgement
I agree with you about having the same level of respect for all students and teachers. I also have struggled with online learning and I think in-person classes is better now that we are in college