Expectations Free write post

The start of a new school year is always exciting, it’s a brand new chapter in our lives. Being human it’s only natural to be curious and ponder over what’s to come and what to expect. We can’t help it we have so many expectations over the start of a brand new school year. As for my expectations, it’s probably not all that different from yours, meeting new people, getting good grades, and hoping for fair but strict professors. Meeting new people, making connections, It’s not far off to suggest that all of you want the same. Before entering college, I was and still am an introverted person, so it was always hard to go out and really push myself to make friends without the constant fear and anxiety of judgement. However since today marks a somewhat new beginning, this year I’m expecting to push myself out of my comfort zone and to really try to make connections with my peers.

Julangelin Gamboa