Fairest 2

parent abuse

The second part of the story Fairest give us an idea about Talusan’s relationship with her family members. Meredith had a grandmother that loved her and embraced her different skin tone as she thought it was beautiful and white not dark as the other’s in the town, and that is shown through a dialogue between the writer and her grandma.

“There are people in Manila who think I look abnormal,” I said.
“They’re just jealous they don’t have a child like you.”

Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.page 47

Moreover, Meredith had a toxic relationship with her mother, Meredith described her mother as unfair and selfish, she even hated living with her but her grandma told her to live with her since she’ll be living with her in the US. Talusan’s mother was tough and selfish in the way she treated her and the way she hit her and the way she wanted to control her actions and her life. Meredith’s mother wanted to use Talusan for her own good. Furthermore, her mother uses a harsh way to deal with Meredith and that could be shown through an excerpt from the book that took place between Meredith and her mother.

“ Mama had slapped me across the face. I started to cry.
“Be quiet or I will leave you here and never come back.”

Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.Page 79

1 thought on “Fairest 2

  1. Christopher Huerta

    Based on your response, I feel like others, including myself, will agree that these personal experiences in relation to toxic issues can feel degrading, but understand that moments of acceptance and reassurance, such as with the grandmother, can ensure that one knows that hope is still apparent. I have also faced some pretty bad issues myself, so being able to see Talusan move forward from those bad experiences fills me with hope. How about you, Zeinab, or anyone else?

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