Fairest by Meredith Talusan
Quote: “I, on the other hand, didn’t have the same solid sense of self.”
Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.
This quote caught my attention in all means. In it, Meredith admits a deep struggle and it takes a strong soul to do that. Throughout all the pages I’ve read, Talusan made it clear that her life was based on struggles and inside pain.Furthermore, Talusan was comparing herself to kit -a friend of hers- and talking about his confidence and how we wouldn’t change himself to please others, while on the other hand, her being consumed from all the pressure to be accepted by others, and that lead her to hide her true self.
Moreover, what I also noticed is her grandma that used to remind her about her skin tone all the time, which probably made her feel anxious. Furthermore, Talusan struggled from eye sight problems, but her description to things is so detailed and structured. When she talked at the begging of the story about the grass that she can barley see, then describe it prettier than what an eye can reflect.
Excerpt From: Meredith Talusan. “Fairest.” Apple Books.
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I really love all the details you included in your post. I definitely agree with what you said especially when you wrote that it takes a lot of courage to admit when wrong, i can personally relate to that. You have some grammar mistakes but over all really good job!
Hey, Zeinab. I like the explanation on Talusan struggles about wanting to accepted towards other people but it would make her hide her true self. And how she feels anxious about her grandmother telling her about her skin tone and that Talusan struggles on eye sight. I could tell that she has faced many issues that she want to overcome.