Heavy Response 2

Reading more of “Heavy” I slowly start to get even more invested. The way Laymon writes is very, for a lack of better words, interesting. Especially this one line where he describes how “scared” and “scary” white people are. Laymon writes “You and Grandmama taught me white folk were capable of anything and not to be provoked, but Welty reminded me of what my eyes and ears taught me: white folk were scared and scary as all hell, so scared, so scary the words “scared” and “scary” weren’t scared or scary enough to describe them.” (Laymon 66). This one line to me is so interesting because its worded in a way that makes it seem like white people are scared by others but at the same time scary to others it is just worded in a very unique way. Another part of the book which stood out to me is when Laymon and his mother got pulled over by a police officer. After they were let go by the officers Laymon’s mother tells him “Never give them a chance to take the shot,” (Laymon 75). This specific thing she says made me think about how real and scary this situation is and how this is the reality that if Laymon had made a wrong move that day things could have turned out very differently for him. Slowly I am starting to see more and more parts of “Heavy” that I can relate to and can make connections to things I see in my daily life.

2 thoughts on “Heavy Response 2

  1. Angel Caceres (He/Him)

    Good summary about Heavy. It tells on how minorities feels fear towards the white people because they could do something bad towards them. But the same time White people are scared of people of color. This brings up some good questions and thoughts on people view different people based on race.

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