Ordinary Girls last Chapters

In the last chapters of Ordinary Girls, I learned a lot about Jaquira and how her surroundings were definitely a bad influence on her. She was a whole different person when she went to the military. When she joined the military she was working hard and felt like a superstar but that didn’t last long. She came back to her old living style and was living with her father for a few months and then she got back with Cheito, her grandmother from her mom’s side . She didn’t know what to feel since she received no love from her grandmother. In those chapters I learned Jaquira really loved her mother’s even if she abused her, she still cared for her mother. When her grandmother passed away she only thought of her mother. After a few months she broke up with Cheito, Cheito was living with another woman and she was back at her fathers apartment. It’s really messed up, what she went through is a lot. And I would say all this happened because of her mother, if she had her mother’s support she would’ve been a better person. And I hope nothing like this ever happens to anyone, even to my enemies.