Ordinary Girls Section 4, The End

As a grown up Jaquira somewhere in her early 20s after graduated community college, she received word that her grandma Mercy has dies. She inform the information to Alaina, but she doesn’t care. Jaquira realize the same when she thought to herself that “When Abuela, my real grandmother, died two years ago, I felt deep, insurmountable grief, like I was completely lost. It was because of her that Mercy didn’t destroy my sense of worth” (Diaz, 253). She understand that Mercy was a terrible person and she could understand on why Alaina doesn’t care. Jaquira and her husband went back to Miami to see Mercy body, as she arrived she saw her mother who has missing teeth, a drug addict and homeless. The cause of death was suicide by pills since it turns out Mercy was suicidal all the time and that she will hang out with her daughter (Jaquira mother) by doing drugs. Few years later, her mother had more mental illness and drug addictive were two part of her organs were remove and has to frequently see her mother to make sure she is living. Jaquira moved back to Miami to take care of her mother. She mention on how she missed her before she became a drug addict and remembering the good times with her mother. She hear that two of her friends died and most of her friends who were alive had kids and have families while Jaquira doesn’t. In 2018, she meant her friends were they use to party as teens (ah, nostalgia) and partied. It reminded her about her friends (either dead or alive), the good times they had and that they will always have their back. Jaquira conclude her memoir by saying that she created for every girls just like her, if she could go back in time she will just say to take care, she wishes all the girls to care, love, dance and most importantly to live.

The message that she said about her reasoning about writing her memoir because she wants to connect to girls who have been through the same as Jaquira did in their life. It is amazing on how Jaquira told her life story in order to relate/connect to other girls (or people who faced struggles like her). She shows that people could manage to face their struggles and find a good life.