Ordinary Girls summary 2

As the story continues of Jaquira Diaz’s life, when she arrived in Miami to live there, her parents had a divorce. She, Anthony and Alaina live with her father, but the dad didn’t care for them that much so abuela (the father’s mother) looks after them when he’s at work. For the mother she became broke and properly a hooker (since she keeps on bringing guys and getting their money or other services) Anthony basically became a psycho/sociopath since he keeps on attacking Jaquira for no reason and Anthony kill rats in grossom ways like he’s performing Fatalities at the rats, while Alaina is safe from him. Everytime when they both fight the dad always takes his side of the story, which makes sense on how Anthony became a psycho/sociopath. Jaquira finds it unfair that he gets the respect and she doesn’t. One day the mother tells Jaquira and Alaina that they are going to her house, but in reality she kidnaps them since the father doesn’t know. The house was a mess and both girls didn’t like living there. The mother, Jaquira and Alaina went to the father’s house, the reason why is because the father wants her to keep the daughters so they have to pack their stuff and go with their mother. This made Jaquira mad since she has been through hell and it shows that her father doesn’t care for his daughter, she said to him “I will never forgive you” (Diaz, 83). Jaquira’s dad was impactful in her childhood but now she knows that he is an uncaring person, it made her realize that life isn’t fair and that there are people who would leave one behind. They lived in different places until her mother found a stable place to live in. Later on in Jaquira teen life, when she and Alaina went back to live with their dad again. One day Jaquira stabbed her brother since he was attacking, which in result she was sent to juvie, also learned that she did some Grand Theft Auto (not the game) on some cars,properly endangering someone and some other things that she did that are illegal.. The father is an idiot for not taking his daughter’s side but instead he took Anthony’s side who’s a psychopath. As she left juvie she was in school (also she skipped school alot, but it looks like she wants to get her act together), she was with friends. One day she was hanging out with her friends and a couple of them were boys. She thought she could lose her virginity to one of the boys since she thinks it’s a burden to have a virginity. She did get to be with one boy, but didn’t get too far. But one day she did lose her virginity but she feels regret since she didn’t love the boy that she was dating with. When she was in the age of 16 she fell into depression after dropping out of school, dropping out of and losing all contact with her friends, she did get her GED but it didn’t make her happy. She works as a pharmacy technician and lives in an empty studio apartment. She always wonders about her friends, Alaina, and her mother. She felt like she had nothing to live for and was miserable for not being with her friends.

  It’s sad how Jaquira has suffered for all of her child/teenhood since every time she tries to be in a positive mode or just somewhere something happens. I wasn’t shocked that she stabbed Anthony since it was bound to happen and he deserved it.  It shows how she had enough of her brother’s abuse and that she snapped. It reminds me of a Joker quote which is “ All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.”  It shows how Jaquira’s bad journey led her to become juvenile and regret on deciding to leave her friends behind since she has no one to be with in her darkest time.

2 thoughts on “Ordinary Girls summary 2

  1. Christopher Huerta

    Hey Angel, I think you did well in describing the part of the story focused on these characters. I also noticed that you provided a response at the end of your post, detailing how you felt about those issues, as well as picking a side.

  2. Natalie capellan

    U really like how you incorporated your thoughts about the reading however, I was getting a little confused while reading your post because you kept jumping from one thing to the next which made it hard to understand your overall summery.

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