Ordinary Girls Summary 3

Diaz really never felt loved because of the dysfunction in her family. She always searched for love in friendships or relationships. Growing up she had a friend group that she did everything with. ¨ We wanted to be seen, finally, to exist in the lives we mapped out for ourselves. We were ordinary girls, but we would’ve given anything to be monsters. We weren’t creatures or aliens or women in disguise, but girls. We were girls. (Diaz,147)¨. Diaz felt that her friends were her safe place even if they did negative things like drinking and smoking. When she started high school, she met a boy two years older than her and that was the first boy she liked.¨He was funny as hell, and always asked what I wanted, and I liked everything about him (Diaz,151)¨. She caught feelings for Cheito fast and even wanted to marry him. They met each other’s family really fast and Diaz figured out the difference between their families. Cheitosś family is the definition of a real family and Diaz wanted that.

1 thought on “Ordinary Girls Summary 3

  1. Angel Caceres (He/Him)

    Great summary about Diaz struggle on knowing that she never felt love. It shows on how she felt more love for her friends instead of her family and that soon she discover a new kind of love when she meets Cheito.

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