Racial Justice Reads

Without a doubt these three authors had their clear point of how they wanted to create their books and show us a little bit about their childhood, and how they lived life. Every excerpt that these actors read, I loved, because they are strong quotes that show their feelings and pain when they were writing it. Two of the quotes that stood out to me the most were from author Kiese Laymon, and author Meredith Talusan. The quote from author Kiese is, ” I didn’t want to teach white people not to steal. I didn’t want to teach white people to treat us with respect. He wanted to fight white people fair and square and he wanted to knock them out.” This quote shows us that he wanted to treat white people the same way they treated black people. He wanted to pay them back in the same coin because he was getting tired of paying for white people’s feelings with a smile of kindness when they don’t give a fuck. He wanted to fight back, and get everything that was stolen from them, everything that was taken from him as if they didn’t deserve it.

The second excerpt that caught my attention was Meredith’s, which said, “My grandmother assured me that I was destined for a better future than her, and our ancestors, farmers who had tilled the land in the fields surrounding our village for generations. This is because you are beautiful, and not dark and ugly like me.” This quote from the book Fairest, the book I am going to read, I really liked it because the grandmother tries to tell her that she will have a good future because she is beautiful and was born as an albino girl, who will be identified as white, who will be very successful in the United States, because she is not a dark woman like her grandmother, who is discriminated against by all racists just because her skin color is dark.

In conclusion, these 3 authors read us a fragment of the most striking quotes from their books, they read it to motivate us to read it, and to give us a clear idea of what it is about, and how they were treated by life and the people around them. These books, as well as the 3 readings called, “La Otra,” “The Cover of my Face,” and “Quick Feet.”, have very serious themes and based on real facts, they show refreshing ideas about how the actors writes his personal problems and with society. In reading “The Cover of my Face,” Meredith describes how she was treated as a trans woman, how cruel life was, and how many people made her unable to loving herself or identifying with who she really was. I hope to gain new insights as I read this book, and hope that Meredith has learned to be herself, and that she has learned to avoid the bad comments that affect her.

The Excellent Benefits of Reading Memoirs - BYRON CONNER

That benefit is: Understand the lives of others and know how to listen to others perfectly.

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