Racial Justice Reads Post

The authors Keise Laymon, Jaquira Diaz, and Meredith Talusan from Real Justice Reads all created memoirs about a critiqued childhood that has made them into the authors and people they are today. For example Meredith spoke on how at birth she was a boy and transitioned into a women at adulthood, not only that but she was albino so she struggled with her vision so she had problem’s with her vision. In addition in the video she quotes¨ My grandmother assured me that i was meant for a better future than her and her ancestors¨. This shows that her grandmother knew she was destined to become great even despite her differences. Jaquira Diaz struggled with accepting herself as a child because of her grandmother was always criticizing her for her African american features like her hair. Her grandmother made sure she knew she wont ever be like her or her mother. Diaz grandmother mercy would tell her things like ¨ It is your fathers fault, and your black family, and her mothers fault for marrying a negro(African american).¨Laymon already grew up being a black kid in america so he went threw all the violence and hatred that was in society. ¨I only been alive for 17 years and I was already tired of paying for white folks feelings with a generic smile and a manufactured excellence they could not give one fuck about.¨ He claims he felt like he was in battle with white folks because he felt like they stole from him and the black culture. The readings of ¨La Otra,¨ The Cover of my face,¨and¨Quick Feet¨ are similar to these memoirs because they all speak on the struggles they went through in society and to become a writer. The memoir I would choose is ordinary girls because her story by far is most understandable and relatable because she represents a Hispanic setting. What im expecting from when I read ¨Ordinary girls¨is reading about what Diaz had to pull herself out her family struggles and the place she called home.

1 thought on “Racial Justice Reads Post

  1. Maria Begum (Maria)

    I want the book that I am about to read to be about a real life story. I want it to have a meaningful story behind it. I am expecting to learn something new from the book. By reading stories from our class assignments I am looking for a book that talks about black peoples experience’s and how they overcame it” Ordinary Girls” by Jaquira Díaz.

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