Tag Archives: expectations

Class 07

Good morning, all. Hope you had a chance to enjoy this glorious weekend. Today in class, we’ll review a number of the key concepts from Module 1, go over the expectations we can have for each other when it comes to Essay 1 (due Wednesday), and prepare to sharpen our use of digital tools, academic writing skills, and the richness of our class community as we turn to Module 2: Defining Book Groups.

You’ll want to start in the “Goals and Plans” Doc. There, you’ll see a list of the content and skills we covered this Module. We’ll spend some time writing and talking today about the ways we covered that content–and articulating moment where things “clicked” and questions we still have. Module 1 was quite a lot, but don’t worry, we’ll circle back to most of it in Module 2. That’s one thing about writing: it requires practice, and the more “reps” you get, the better.

After that, I’ll share an example of a student essay from Fall 2020 in response to this same prompt. We’ll look at it as a group, considering where we see its main idea, its evidence, its signs of organization, and the way the writer follows conventions.

With the balance of class, you’ll work on one of three things in independent work:

  1. Give a “shout-out” (do people even say that anymore?) or some “shine” (as they say in my kids’ elementary school) to another person in class who did great work in some way. Post that as a reply to this post by the start of our next class. (So, to be clear, if you don’t finish this in class, it’s OK to finish it as homework.)
  2. Use the “checklist” linked to on the “Goals and Plans” Doc to proofread your essay. There’s also a copy of it in the submission form for this essay. It must follow MLA format or I may ask you to revise it before marking it COMPLETE.
  3. If you’re listed under one of the “housekeeping” tasks, it means you’ve not completed the set-up of one or more digital tools. Please do this first, before the other two activities, and let me know if you need any help. I’ll have some breakout rooms open so we can talk without disturbing others doing independent work.

Class 04: Sept 13

Good morning and welcome back after a 12-day hiatus. Happy new year if you celebrate it, and happy first day of school for those of you with little siblings, cousins, kids, etc.

There were some nice conversations on the blog over the last few days. A few posts I’d like to highlight are those by Christopher, Jamy, and Kedwin. Each of the writers published their freewrite on our blog with a title and a tag, and one person commented on their post. Great job folks. If you didn’t add a tag, please do. If you didn’t add an image or make an interesting title, you can do that between now and Sept 27. Comments are closed. These pieces will be graded on a 5-point scale between now and our next class meeting, with two points assigned to the letter and one each to the title, the tag, and the comment from your peer. These are private. You should see them on your end of the Commons page; I haven’t used them before so we’ll learn together.

We will spend some time in class today wrapping up our previewing activities, including the “Page 99 test.” We’ll also discuss our annotations on the readings for today. We’ll also take a look at the prompt for Essay 1,

Expectations: Myself, My Class, My Professor

This year, I have put a couple of expectations for myself. First one is to continue doing my best, even when it can get really hard. I am a good learner, but I have struggled with virtual classes this past year and a half. 

As everyone in this class, I have a set goal of what I want to achieve academically, and I will work towards that goal.

I expect our instructor to be respectful, compassionate and understanding. As you all know, our lives can become pretty chaotic, so it is important to be able to talk and get the help and assistance that we need. Instructors define part of our experiences.

Same thing goes for all of the students in this class. We are no longer high school students. Let’s talk to each other with respect, without judgement.

Karen Dortbucuk

My expectation

My expectation for this class is to engage and try to get along with my teacher and class. For my expectation for the school, I expect that the courses will be difficult, but I will try my best to pass my class and try to make new friends as I start my adulthood.

Expectations Free write post

The start of a new school year is always exciting, it’s a brand new chapter in our lives. Being human it’s only natural to be curious and ponder over what’s to come and what to expect. We can’t help it we have so many expectations over the start of a brand new school year. As for my expectations, it’s probably not all that different from yours, meeting new people, getting good grades, and hoping for fair but strict professors. Meeting new people, making connections, It’s not far off to suggest that all of you want the same. Before entering college, I was and still am an introverted person, so it was always hard to go out and really push myself to make friends without the constant fear and anxiety of judgement. However since today marks a somewhat new beginning, this year I’m expecting to push myself out of my comfort zone and to really try to make connections with my peers.

Julangelin Gamboa