Tag Archives: free write

My expectations; free write

Every academic year, I always set expectations for myself just like every other student does. Some of those traditional expectations are to excel in every class, to pass all those difficult tests with honorable grades and to participate. But sometimes life throws a curveball and suddenly I lower my expectations. However, this school year I have daily reminders as to why I should uphold those expectations. Some are, my family, and my future goals that require me to become successful. I consider myself an introvert, but this year I want to put myself out there more and do things out of my comfort zone like turn on my camera during virtual classes and participate and start conversations. For my instructor, I expect great communication, I want to be certain that when in doubt I am able to reach out and get assistance and clarity. For my classmates I want us to feed off each others ideas, to make each other comfortable enough to share our thoughts without fear of being judged. I want us to provide a safe environment and for everyone to reach out when in need of help.