I am fine here and I wish you are doing well in your place! I’m looking forward to a happy and helpful semester, collage is a new journey for most of us , so I hope we can enjoy and benefit from it ,life had been harder for the past two years, we’ve all suffered and it was really hard being in a pandemic and being introduced to a whole knew life style, but hopefully we can work together and we can learn from each other, my expectation for this semester is to develop my skills in writing and analyzing and I’m planning on getting high grades and giving my best.In addition, I wanna be more social and less introverted,I’m hoping to be a great student, classmate, and friend!

           Thank You

     Zeinab Rkein


  1. Karen Dortbucuk (Her/She/Hers)

    Hi Zeinab, like you said, I really hope we can work and learn from each other this year. It was hard adapting from this new style of learning and the best thing we have right now is the help from our peers.
    I hope you have a great semester!


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